The Project Type Finder
The Project Type Finder provides a way to sort Gulf restoration projects based on restoration type, independent of the project location and the restoration process (e.g. natural resource damage assessment (NRDA)).
We have included all projects approved under NRDA, NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and the RESTORE Act. This includes planning grants under Pots 1, 2, and 3 of the RESTORE Act. Each project entry generally includes a project description, information on public participation, project funding, and a link to the project webpage. Where included, the project description is taken directly from the project webpage, and other details may be taken directly from the project webpage as well (though not necessarily in quotation marks).
In general, we include the details of the project at the time it was approved for funding. In certain circumstances, we will update an entry, such as when (1) a project is cancelled; or (2) additional funds are added to a project. Note that, where we update an entry, we have included a link to the amendment that alters the project. Please refer to the individual project websites for additional information.
If you have suggestions for projects or updates to add, please send them to
Last Updated: December 20, 2018
We have sorted the projects into three main categories: “Administration” projects, “Ecological” projects, and “Human-Use” projects. “Administration” projects are further sorted into two different project types, “Ecological” projects into 18 different types, and “Human Use” projects into 5 different types. Administration projects are those for general planning and program management that could involve ecological and/or human use projects. Ecological projects are those that are primarily focused on natural resources. Human-Use projects are those that are primarily intended to provide economic or human-use benefits, including projects to strengthen the workforce.
We followed certain guidelines in determining how to categorize individual projects:
- Each project is classified under one primary project type, even though it may fit in multiple categories.
- If a project title was appropriately descriptive, we relied on the title to categorize the project. For example, if a project includes “artificial reef” or “living shoreline” in the title, it is categorized with that project type even if the artificial reef project might involve oysters or the living shoreline project might involve beach.
- If a project title was not appropriately descriptive, we relied on the project description to categorize the project. If the project description was not specific enough, the project fact sheets or permitting documents were used.
- If a project could be categorized under multiple project types, we made a qualitative judgment based on the project description.
- Planning and research projects that relate to a specific restoration project or project type are included under that project type. The “Management and Monitoring” category is used for any project that funds general ecological monitoring, general ecological planning, or programmatic activities with ecological purposes. “Research” is used for general ecological research projects.
- Many of the human-use projects could be included under other project types. “Boating” is used for anything involving boats or landings. “Infrastructure and Equipment” is used for roads and other types of government-owned property (e.g. equipment, facilities). “Recreation” is used for trails, parks, ferries, and other similar projects. “Tourism” is used for projects with a primary purpose of encouraging and supporting travel to the region, including convention centers and aquariums.
We welcome feedback! Email with any suggestions or ideas.