Past Events
Offshore Aquaculture and the Army Corps of Engineers: Regulations and Recommendations
June 3, 2015
Most offshore aquaculture facilities require a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act—and in some cases, this permit will be the only one required under federal law. ELI’s white paper, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulation of Offshore Aquaculture, provides a detailed legal and practical overview of Corps regulation of offshore aquaculture, illustrated through case studies of three offshore aquaculture projects that have recently received Section 10 permits. In addition, it provides recommendations for steps to increase the consistency and timeliness of Section 10 permitting of offshore aquaculture while ensuring that all environmental impacts are effectively addressed.
This webinar featured presentations on the content and recommendations of the white paper, along with presentations and reactions by experts from the Army Corps of Engineers and Salem State University’s Northeastern Massachusetts Aquaculture Center.
Offshore Aquaculture and the Magnuson-Stevens Act
June 28, 2013
Aquaculture is an increasingly important component of the world food supply, but it causes a variety of environmental impacts, such as discharge of excess feed and wastes, fish escapes, and impacts on local habitats and native species. Because the United States has not enacted laws specifically addressing aquaculture development in federal ocean waters, the government is increasingly using existing laws, including the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), to authorize and manage offshore aquaculture. This webinar brought together experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, nongovernmental organizations, and the aquaculture industry to explore questions related to the application of the Magnuson-Stevens Act to offshore aquaculture.
Click here to view the recording of the webinar.
Point Sources and Pollutants: Using the Clean Water Act to Regulate Offshore Aquaculture Discharges
December 5, 2012
This webinar brought together experts from the Environmental Law Institute, the Environmental Protection Agency, and academia to explore questions related to the application of the Clean Water Act to offshore aquaculture. Speakers considered topics including what facilities are considered point sources, coverage of escaped organisms and other pollutants in the Effluent Limitations Guidelines, the utility of the Ocean Discharge Criteria, and other challenges related to implementation of the Clean Water Act to aquaculture in federal ocean waters. Click here for more information about the webinar.
Fisheries Law Enforcement: Status and Challenges
April 27, 2012
In this café style session, panelists discussed the key challenges facing fisheries law enforcement agencies and the regulated industry, ongoing reform efforts, and what additional actions and solutions may be necessary to ensure that the system maximizes fisheries compliance. This session was the first installment of a 3-part seminar series on ocean and coastal law enforcement.
Designing Effective and Enforceable Catch Share Systems
March 17, 2011
In this session, experts discussed some of the key issues and possible solutions surrounding how to effectively design and implement catch share systems to make them effective, equitable, and enforceable.
The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Challenge: Sustaining a High-Value Migratory Species in a Highly Impacted Ocean
November 8, 2010
In this panel discussion, experts discussed the current state of bluefin tuna and domestic and international efforts to conserve the species. The panelists identified the key challenges associated with managing this high-value, highly migratory species and potential approaches to overcome them.
The Future of Sustainable Seafood
March 8, 2009
The Environmental Law Institute (ELI), the Marine Fish Conservation Network (MFCN), and the Pew Environment Group co-sponsored a double-session on the future of sustainable seafood at the Blue Vision Summit. The double-session was divided into three segments: a panel on the sustainability of wild fishing; a panel on aquaculture; and a discussion of how national ocean policy can guide the future of sustainable seafood.
Marine Aquaculture: A Growing Business
February 6, 2007
Panelists discussed the current environmental challenges facing aquaculture, laws and policies that regulate existing aquaculture practices, and expanding and emerging sectors such as offshore aquaculture.
Sustainable International Fisheries: Pipedream or Reality?
November 1, 2006
In this panel discussion on current efforts to ensure sustainable international fisheries, panelists covered topics included overfishing, overcapacity, bycatch and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.